“San Andreas” Hollywood Film Set Construction Documented By BCC200

“San Andreas” Hollywood Film Set Construction Documented By BCC200

Recently Brinno’s Time Lapse Cameras have been gaining recognition and popularity among film industry...
Brinno will announce new Wi-Fi Front Door Camera and Full HD Time Lapse solution at CES 2017 Lettura “San Andreas” Hollywood Film Set Construction Documented By BCC200 1 minuto Prossimo CES 2018

Image via Warner Bros.

Recently Brinno’s Time Lapse Cameras have been gaining recognition and popularity among film industry professionals. San Andreas is a 2015 American disaster film directed by Brad Peyton. It has a great cast and outstanding special effects. The photographer, Jacinta Leong, found an incredible opportunity to document her work by using the Brinno BCC200 as well as sharing it with the world.